lazy lesbian and fat miami slags wife gets fucked on bed

The Miami beach lifestyle was something Ashley had always envied. She was a lazy lesbian who had grown up in a small conservative town. She wanted adventure but was too poor to do any exploring. But now that she had inherited some money, it was time to move to Miami. And Ashley was determined to get as wild as she could. She wandered into a bar and spotted two slags, big and beautiful, making out on the sofa. Ashley went up to talk to them and she soon found out that one of them was married. Although the woman wanted to keep their little sexy romp a secret, Ashley thought there was more to explore. When Ashley and the married woman arrived back at her room, Ashley quickly compiled her plan. The bed creaked with pleasure as the two women tangled up in each other. Ashley felt her delicate body pressed up against the curves of the Miami slags wife as they teased each other with soft kisses. The anticipation was intense and the night was a wild delight.

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