lover and i think you will like this too hot mature amateur

Ashley and I had a long standing love affair. We had been trying to make our relationship official for months, but there was always something holding us back. We were both hesitant to take that final leap, but one night at dinner we decided to just take a chance. When I saw her, I knew. She was even more stunning than I ever imagined. She was a mature amateur with the experience and intensity that I craved. She was so hot that I could feel my heart flutter. We embraced each other and I could feel the heat from her body as she pressed me against the wall. She tasted sweet and her sensual curves drove me crazy. Our hands roamed each other's bodies, exploring as if each new touch was exploring a new world. We lost track of time as we explored, caressed, and pleasured each other until we were both so exhausted we could hardly move. I had never felt so alive, and the pleasure we shared was hotter and more intense than anything I had ever experienced. I knew that we could never give up on each other.

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