sexy and beautiful blonde woman giving a big breast cum

She had always been told she was beautiful, with her long, blonde flowing hair and her body that would send men into a frenzy. But never before had she felt this kind of lust for anything. Michael’s hungry eyes took in her perfect figure; the curves of her ample breasts as they hummed with pleasure. He crawled towards her, his tongue lingering as it wound its way up her body until finally it found its home, caressing her breasts with slow, teasing circles. She could feel her desire intensifying as he increased the intensity of his ministrations. He released a deep moan as he licked her nipples, making her quiver with delight. His mouth travelled lower with each passing moment, until it found its desired destination. His tongue bathed her in ecstasy, licking and probing deeply until he finally granted her sweet release. His mouth around her beautiful breasts and the feeling of his cum splitting each over and over again set her over the edge. She felt her pleasure build until it waged a delicious war within her body, setting off a chain of climaxes that only he could give. She knew he could unlock an eternity of pleasure that she knew would last her a lifetime.

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